What Is the Best Company for Window Replacement?

Broken Glass
A home’s windows do more than  let  lovely sunshine in. They keep us safe, secure, comfortable, and they help with energy efficiency and noise reduction. In this blog, we’re going to focus on window replacement, including how to tell when it’s time to replace your windows, some guidance around how much you can expect replacement […]

A home’s windows do more than  let  lovely sunshine in. They keep us safe, secure, comfortable, and they help with energy efficiency and noise reduction. In this blog, we’re going to focus on window replacement, including how to tell when it’s time to replace your windows, some guidance around how much you can expect replacement windows to cost, window replacement alternatives, and how to find the best company to work with.

Is It Time To Replace the Windows?

How Long Should Windows Last?

Generally, quality windows should last at least 15 or 20 years, with wood windows typically lasting longer than vinyl. Knowing when to replace your windows is like deciding to take your car into the shop. There are certain recommended maintenance intervals suggested by the manufacturer, but you also might encounter certain issues in the meantime that require a mechanic’s attention.

In reality, a number of factors impact the lifespan of a window. These include the quality and type of material it’s made of, how well it was installed, how often it is opened and closed, and local climate considerations.

Signs It Might Be Time To Replace Your Windows

Here are some indications that it might be time to replace your windows:

  • They’re not as easy to operate—open and close—as they should be. Difficulty in operation could just be a matter of dirt and dust buildup, or, depending on the window type, there could be an issue with the window jamb, loose or stripped screws, or hinges.
  • They feel drafty—or your energy bills are on the rise. A major value point for high quality windows is their insulative properties, but over time, several different factors could cause draftiness, from broken window seals to cracks in the caulking. You also might just have really old windows, in which case window replacement might save you a lot of money in terms of heating and cooling bills.
  • They are visibly damaged. Any cracks in the glass should be cause for concern, but other issues—like a window fogging up—are also indicative of a damaged window.

How Much Do Replacement Windows Typically Cost?

According to Bob Vila, the average cost to replace windows in a home is $650 per window, plus labor costs between $100 and $300 per window. This makes the national average for window replacement cost anywhere between $3,000 and $10,000, including replacement windows and labor. 

What Factors Impact Window Replacement Costs?

Among the factors that impact window replacement costs are the materials (the type of glass and window frame material), as well as the window’s location, local climate, and the age of the house. Finally, the type of replacement—either replacing a full-frame window or just retrofitting.

When Is the Cheapest Time of Year to Replace Windows?

There’s really no consensus answer for this. Savvy homeowners will have to do a little research if they want to find the best home window replacement company and cheapest local prices. Reputable window replacement companies will work with you to help you understand their pricing structures and timetables for performing work. 

What Is the Cheapest Way to Replace Windows?

There are two main approaches to window replacement, full window replacement and retrofitting (placing a new window into an existing frame).

  • When you opt for full window replacement, that means you’ll be replacing your existing windows—including both the frame and the glass. This means you’ll be paying for more materials and more labor.
  • If you decide to retrofit with a window replacement alternative, such as a Fenster Components product, the existing window frame and trim are left intact and only the window sash (pane of glass) itself will be replaced. This obviously decreases both material and labor costs significantly.

Finding the Best Replacement Windows for the Money

While material and labor costs are relatively predictable and easy to research, another important consideration is the company you choose to work with. Anyone who has much experience working with contractors knows how much their professionalism matters. Even if you get a great deal on windows and even labor, it’s not necessarily worth it if the contractor or workers are bringing extra stress or disruption into the mix. 

What Is the Best Company for Window Replacement?

At Fenster Components, we replace wood window sashes and components, connecting our customers with affordable replacement windows without the added labor and construction involved with full window replacement.

We keep things simple with a straightforward process. Visit our website to learn more details about how it works and take the first steps toward your new windows. Do you have additional questions you’d like answered before requesting a quote? Send general inquiries to sales@fensterusa.com




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A Year of Gratitude: Celebrating Your 5-Star Experiences

A Year of Gratitude: Celebrating Your 5-Star Experiences

This year has been filled with stories of transformation, renewed charm, and the timeless elegance that Fenster wooden sashes bring to homes across the country. We want to express our deepest gratitude by highlighting the 5-star Google reviews you’ve generously shared