Don’t jump into a full window replacement project before you know what alternatives are available.

After years of renting, you’ve finally saved up enough money to buy a home. Not just any home either. You found a 1981 house that has good bones and the classical charming aesthetic you love. You know, crown molding, exposed brick, real hardwood floors, the whole nine yards. The kind of unique craftsmanship that you wouldn’t find in a cookie-cutter, newly-built suburban neighborhood.
After living in your recently purchased home for a short while, you start to notice fog accumulating on the glass panels of your windows. Upon further inspection, you see that the wood around the glass has cracks and shows visible signs of moisture damage.
You knew that an older home would come with its fair share of upkeep, but you didn’t realize you’d have to worry about a window replacement. Now you’re concerned about how much this might cost. Not to mention, all of the original windows are over 25 years old. Will you be able to match the style and quality if you replace them? Do you need to replace them all? Can you replace windows without replacing the frame? In no time at all, you find yourself overwhelmed in the whirlwind of questions, thoughts, and concerns.
Before you get too worked up, allow us at Fenster Components to help set your mind at ease. We are the experts in window components and window replacement alternatives. We also know that the narrative above doesn’t encompass everyone.
For example, maybe you have lived in your same home for thirty-plus years. Maybe you are flipping a home and putting it on the market. Whatever your circumstances, you worked hard for this home, and it should be a place that brings you peace, not stress. The fact is though, the need for window repairs can happen just about anytime in any building. That’s why we are on a mission to educate folks about alternative options and help them select the right solution for their home.
Like you, we understand the concerns that accompany window replacements and repairs such as:
- Cost
- Style
- Energy efficiency
- Installation timeline
- Hassle
So with that in mind, we are going to spend some time in the following article discussing the ins and outs of window replacement and repair alternatives. We will cover everything you need to know from the basics, like window types and when to replace windows, to the more specific questions you want answered.

It’s important to note that when you think about window replacements, there are several different types of windows. In particular, we are referring to the framing materials used. Depending on the type of material you are trying to repair or replace, the number of alternative strategies you can choose from may vary. For more details, let’s look at a few of the most common types of framing material for windows.
Wood Windows
At Fenster Components, wood windows are the main type of window we operate on. Wood windows are a popular choice among homeowners for several reasons. Wood windows are durable, sustainable, and give the home a traditional look. Let’s look at some other pros and cons.
- Long-lasting performance and durability, up to 30+ years
- Can be painted or stained to match existing décor or create any color scheme
- Does not allow as much condensation as some alternative materials
- Typically offers good insulation to help regulate a home’s temperature
- Can enhance the value and commercial appeal of a home because of their traditional and desirable aesthetic
- Provide a good sound barrier
- Wood may rot or warp
- Vulnerable to wood-eating insects such as termites
- Tend to require more regular maintenance such as painting, staining or caulking
- Higher initial cost
- Due to their durability, by the time they need to be replaced it may be hard to find original manufacturer parts (that’s where Fenster can help!)
Vinyl Windows
Vinyl windows are made from PVC and can consist of pure virgin vinyl or recycled vinyl. The former is stronger and more durable, but tends to be more expensive than the latter. Since vinyl is not as desirable to some homeowners or buyers, many people wonder “do vinyl windows decrease home value?” While there is no definitive answer to this, we can look at some of the pros and cons of vinyl window frames as a whole to gain some perspective.
- Very energy efficient
- Little to no maintenance
- Rot- and corrosion-preventing properties
- Fairly long life span averaging 15-20 years
- Less expensive than wood or fiberglass (next on our list)
- Lightweight
- Less complicated installation
- Less design customization since vinyl cannot be painted or stained
- Dark shades tend to fade over time
- Not very environmentally friendly
- Be wary of advertised warranty’s fine print
- Discounted price may lead to lower quality “out of sight, out of mind” service
Fiberglass Windows
Fiberglass window frames are relatively new to the market. They have been popularized since the early 2000s. Let’s look at their pros and cons.
- Great insulation and energy efficiency
- Incredibly low maintenance
- Not susceptible to mold, rotting, or corrosion caused by moisture
- Won’t warp or expand
- Can be made to look like real wood frames, or covered in an exterior layer of wood
- Expensive
- Not very customizable
- Difficult and lengthy installation
Aluminum Windows
Aluminum windows are a popular choice for many modern homeowners. They generally provide a low-maintenance and sleek appearance. Of course, they also have their own pros and cons.
- Cheaper than wood
- Flexible shapes and sizes
- Lightweight and easy to install
- Durable in appropriate conditions
- Not susceptible to rotting or insects
- Does not hold up well to heat
- Poor insulation
- Can be prone to corrosion
As we mentioned under the “Wood Windows” section above, at Fenster Components we work exclusively on wood windows. That’s where our area of expertise is and where we can create the most value for you.
What you may not realize is that even in unique homes, wood windows often fall into a “production-line” category. That is to say, in many homes, no matter how original or cliché the design is, whether it’s custom-built or manufactured, wood windows don’t typically vary much in how they are built or installed. In fact, the technology is largely the same today as it was fifty years ago. So what does that mean?
Well, it’s actually good news, especially when it comes to window repairs and replacements. It means in most instances, there are industry norms and guides for how to replace or repair your windows. Think of it like a car. The more specific modifications and customizations you install under the hood, the harder it is to find someone who can help fix or replace the hardware once it begins to fail. However, with a typical “off-the-lot” model, there are standard protocols and manufactured parts for replacing the more common hardware. The same is true for windows.
One tricky part for wood windows, however, is that from the time a window is installed to the time it needs to be repaired, many companies either change their product lines or go out of business. That means it can be difficult to find a replacement or repair that matches the other windows in your home. That’s where Fenster comes into the picture.
We specialize in manufacturing and recreating window components that match your original equipment. That means even if your windows are no longer being offered by the manufacturer, or if you only want to replace a few instead of the whole house, you can rest assured that we can provide windows that are an exact match. Not just that, but we can offer alternatives to replacing entire windows that are cheaper and reduce your hassle. However, before we can explain how exactly we do that, we need to talk a little bit more about wood window terminology.
(Wood) Window Terminology
When we talk about wood windows (and windows in general) there are several key terms and components that you will need to know. Knowledge of the following terms will help you understand exactly what we can offer at Fenster, how it works, and why it might be the right solution for you.
- Sash- This is the operable part of the window. This is the part that slides, opens, or moves.
- Casement- The type of window that cranks open
- Double Hung- The type of window that slides up and down
- Awning- Also known as a Hopper, this is the type of window that swings open from the top
- Slider- Also known as a Glider, this is the type of window slides open horizontally
- Stile- The vertical side of a sash frame
- Rail- The horizontal side of a sash frame
- Jambliner- The plastic sidetracks of a double-hung window that the sashes slide up and down in
- Balance- The spring mechanism in the jambliner that holds the sash up
- Casing- The decorative molding or framing around the exterior of a window that covers the space between the framing and the wall.
Now that we have some basic terms defined, we can start explaining what we do in better detail.
What Goes Into Our Solutions?
As we mentioned earlier, the reason we work on wood windows is because that’s where we can create value for you, the customer. Common issues with wood windows include rotting or cracking of wood as it gets older, allowing moisture to fog the glass window. At Fenster, we provide window repair solutions that simply replace the problematic wood pieces instead of replacing the entire window. As promised, we can finally get into the nitty-gritty about the window replacement alternatives we offer at Fenster Components.
To put it in window terms from above, we offer sash replacements and sash packs. This type of replacement entails the removal of the operable components of the window as well as the replacement of the jambliners, balances, and sashes (sash frames as well as glass) with newer components. This saves you time and money, by only replacing the parts you need. It also saves the hassle of a full-on window replacement. In some cases, it might even be the only way to ensure that all of your windows match without replacing each one of them. To get a better sense of why this combination of repair and replacement is better, let’s contrast it with the two main replacement solutions on the market today.
What Goes Into a Normal Window Replacement?
Mainly, there are two window replacement solutions widely available on the market today. The first is full-frame window replacements (also known as new construction windows), and the second is window inserts (also known as replacement windows). As we break down each one a little more thoroughly, keep in mind some of the glossary terms from earlier.
Full Frame Window/New Construction Window
This one is pretty straightforward. With new construction windows, you or a contractor have to essentially rip the existing window frame and components out of the wall. This entails cutting back to the original siding material and tearing the frames out.
This is a labor-intensive method and can be particularly challenging for homes with brick or stucco siding. It tends to be the most expensive solution and can cause damage to the areas around the windows if not done properly.
One advantage of new construction windows over window inserts (which we will get to next) is that they won’t reduce your view the way replacement windows will. Also, theoretically, if you wanted to change the framing material of your windows, new construction methods allow you to do so. However, that would be an awful lot of money, time and hassle just to change from vinyl to wood, etc. It is worth noting that sometimes, if the frames (regardless of material) are in bad shape, you may have no choice but to adopt new construction windows.
Replacement Window Inserts
What is a replacement window insert, you may be wondering. Window inserts, like new construction windows, live up to their name as well. The idea behind a window insert is that the existing frame (typically vinyl,) must be structurally sound and in no need of repair. This is not necessarily true all of the time though. We’ve seen with our own eyes other crews cover up rotted wood frames with aluminum wrap around the insert. Discount vinyl window companies might cut corners on the installation to stay within the discounted quoted price with an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality.
Once the frame’s integrity is confirmed, new windows are inserted within that existing frame. These inserts consist of an entire framed unit sized smaller than the frame it’s being inserted into. Since window inserts have to fit within the existing frame, they provide reduced glass openings by as much as 30% compared to the original (or completely replaced) windows.
While this method is less labor-intensive than total replacements, because window inserts are one whole unit, it can be hard to match them to the existing windows of the home. Again, these are typically used for vinyl windows as well, limiting their effectiveness with wood windows. One thing we hear from customers who use window inserts is a common refrain of buyer’s remorse. Sometimes they don’t fully understand what they are getting, and don’t realize until it’s too late that they are essentially signing up for a smaller window inside their old one. From the street, that’s exactly what it looks like and the curb appeal can take a hit.
An insert vs. full frame window replacement cost can differ by thousands of dollars, so make sure you know what return you hope to get on your investment before committing to one option.
Fenster Solutions Vs. Typical Solutions
Now that we have fleshed out the two primary forms of window replacements, as well as the alternatives we provide at Fenster Components, we can get a little more precise with the comparison. Let’s take a look at the difference between our replacement solutions and the other replacement solutions, just from a “what” standpoint. We will talk about the “how” of our process and customer service later.
What Fenster Offers:
- Works only on wood windows
- Replaces only the damaged part, not the entire window
- More affordable
- Easy installation
- Matches or replicates original window, including legacy brands
What New Construction Window Replacements Offer:
- Good option for frames that are not structurally sound
- Expensive
- Intensive installation with potential for damage to home
- Can’t always match original windows
What Window Inserts Offer:
- Mainly used for vinyl windows
- Less expensive than new construction windows
- Smaller glass opening
- Can’t match original windows, altering curb appeal significantly
- May not resolve rotting wood issues
- Potentially mis-leading sales tactics

So, when we look at this comparison, it’s pretty clear that for wood windows, our sash packs and replacements are the best options. You shouldn’t replace your whole window if you don’t need to. Similarly, you shouldn’t settle for window inserts. Our solutions save you time, money, and hassle. Not to mention they can be the only way to match the original wood windows you love about your home.
Now, even though we only repair wood windows, we are still experts in the window replacement industry. We know that you probably have other questions. Some might be about what we offer, some might be about the traditional window solutions. We are still committed to being your source for information to make the best decisions for you. So to that end, we are going to look at some more common and specific questions next.
What Else Are Window Inserts Called?
Window inserts are also known as pocket windows or frame-in-frame replacements, according to Marvin.
What is the Average Full Frame Window Replacement Cost?
There is no exact window replacement cost estimator, but Modernize does have a decent cost calculator and insights about labor and expenses. They estimate the average range for full frame window replacements is between around $3000 – $13000, depending on the scope of the replacement.
How Much Does it Cost to Replace Window Inserts?
According to some remodeling and contractor estimates, the cost of replacing window inserts can be up to 25% less expensive than full-frame replacements.
What Is The Cheapest Way to Replace a Window?
Spoiler alert, it’s to not replace it. Of course, there are times when you absolutely need to replace it, but if you don’t need full frame replacement, sash kits and replacements (like ours) are available at a fraction of the cost. Our customers tell us they save anywhere from 50-70% compared to full frame replacement, translating into tens of thousands of dollars for whole home solutions.
Are Replacement Windows Worth It?
Window insert replacement cost can vary depending on the kind you are looking to use. When determining if they are worth it, you need to consider what value they are fulfilling for you. If you need to fix a vinyl window and want to do it easily and relatively inexpensively (compared to new construction windows), inserts might be worth it. If you have wood windows that can use a sash kit, or don’t want to shrink the surface area of the glass opening, window inserts might not be worth it.
Does Replacing Windows Increase Home Value?
This is a great question. There are a couple of ways to think about it. The first is if the act of replacing windows alone makes your home more valuable. The short answer is it can, but only if the windows you are replacing are damaged or not functional. While people tend to have preferences on window aesthetics, ultimately it won’t make or break the appraisal of a home’s value.
Another way to think about replacement windows adding value is to consider whether you will be saving any energy costs, like heat or air conditioning. If you replace inefficient windows with highly-efficient ones, you may ultimately save money in the long run by not spending as much on energy costs. So, does just putting new windows in a house add value? It depends.
Is It Worth Replacing Windows Before Selling a House?
Again, this answer is a little convoluted and depends on your situation. If the current windows will prevent the home from being sold or are not structurally sound, it might be a good investment to address them with some form of repair or replacement. However, if you are doing it just so you can say “new windows” on a listing site, it might be a better idea to use that money to improve the home in other areas. This is especially true if the windows are in good shape, or can be repaired instead of replaced.
Wondering Why You Should Not Replace Your Windows?
Because you don’t need to! This answer might seem a little silly, but the fact is you don’t necessarily need to replace your windows. If they aren’t broken, or you can repair them, then you DO NOT need to fully replace them. New is not always better.
How Can I Update My Old Windows Without Replacing It?
There are a couple of options. If your window is structurally sound and you just want to provide a face lift, you can paint, clean, stain, or re-case it with relative ease. If you need to update it because it won’t function properly, you might want to look into our sash kits, or potentially window inserts.
Should I Replace All Windows at Once?
Whole home window replacement (full-frame and insert) is ex-pen-sive. There are really only a few reasons you would do it.
- All of the window frames are in need of repair
- Cost is of no concern to you and you want all of your windows to match the ones you have to repair
- You can’t use Fenster’s solutions to fix just the unsound components
- You are building a home
- You get a whole-home discount and were going to have to replace all of your windows in the next couple of years anyway
Aside from that, there is not really a reason to commit to spending thousands of dollars to do all of your windows at once.
At Fenster Components, we know you work hard to make your home a place of peace and relaxation. That’s why when it comes to window repairs we make it easy and affordable. We are here to educate and empower you to take control of your home’s windows. How do we do that? First of all, our products are made here in the U.S.A. with quality built to last. Our sales process is tailored to build confidence in the novice consumer.
Our quote request forms spell out technical terms in an easy-to-understand format and rest assured, our experts are there every step of the way to guarantee you are getting exactly what you need. What’s more, we will take care of white glove delivery to your door so you can rest easy knowing your investment is in good hands.
Whether it’s installation videos for the DIY community or vetted independent contractors in your area, we will make sure you get a trusted pair of hands to help! When you need affordable solutions from experts you can trust, you need Fenster. Head over to our website today to talk with an expert or find the right solution for you.