Window Sash Catalog: Browse Fenster Products
Handcrafted, American Made Casement Window Replicas
Dive into our extensive window sash catalog to find the ideal solution for your windows replacement.
All Fenster products are after-market replications of the original. While our products are designed to closely resemble the original, they are not the original brand’s product. Having no association with the original manufacturer, we cannot respond to warranty claims or brand-specific inquiries.
View pro-tips and illustrative steps to getting the best measurements.
Confused or can’t find what you need? We have some pointers that can help.
We are unable to process your order without the use of our catalog & order forms.
*All sash products are custom-made to order and are not returnable for refund.
Please see our return policies for more information.
Regular Window Production Models
Our best-selling & most popular casement brands and model replacements.
- Primed C-200
- Primed Heritage I
- Primed Heritage II
- Clad Carclad I
- Clad Carclad II
- (Jeld-Wen) Traditional casement
- First Gen Siteline Primed Casement
- Second Gen Siteline Primed Casement
- First Gen Teton Primed Casement
- Second Gen Teton Primed Casement
- C-series Clad Casement
- D-series Clad Casement
- “New” D-series Clad Casement
- JX-7 Clad Casement
- Builders Primed Casement
- First Gen Builders Clad Casement
- Second Gen Builders Clad Casement
- Primed Designer Series Casement
- Clad Designer Series Casement
- True Divided Lite/SDL Conversion Primed Casement
- (Jeld-Wen) Clad Casement
- (Jeld-Wen) Primed Casement
Specialty Window Production Models
The brands/models shown below are available, but not in our regular production rotation.
Order restrictions apply.
- Primed Casement
- Clad Casement
- 1st Gen Primed Casement
- 1st Gen Clad Casement
- Primed Casement
- Universal Fit Casement
(for all known clad models)
- Primed Casement
- 600 Freedom Clad Casement
- 800 Freedom Clad Casement
- Primed Casement
- Clad Casement
- Primed Traditional Casement
- Clad Traditional Casement
- Primed Windsor Series Casement
- Clad Windsor Series Casement
Items listed in orange contain additional sash profile details for contractor use.
Check out our universal fit double-hung kits.
Fenster QuikSash
Fenster QuikSash universal fit double-hung kit for tilt-in windows. (Fits most major brands with original vinyl compression jamb liners)
- We accept edge-to-edge, net sash sizes only.
- Take all measurements from the exterior side of the sash.
- Do NOT adjust your measurements for fit. Our standard practice is to undersize sashes by 1/16″ or more depending on our installation experience.
- Height of double-hung sashes is NOT required. Our sashes are designed to fit the opening, NOT match your original sash heights.

Watch these short videos on how to measure your windows to ensure proper fit when ordering.
We understand the window industry is complicated.

We know the window industry is very complicated. The brands and models we have replicated are representative of over 40 years of window manufacturing. It is imperative we perform our due diligence to get every detail correct. The more detailed information you can provide us, the better equipped we will be to support you in your window needs.
The following are a few tips to get you started.
First, search the sash profile catalog and product categories to see what we have available. We have merely a fraction of the 100’s of possible makes and models produced over the last 40 years. Knowing the brand, may help narrow it down to eight or ten. We need you to tell us, if we have what you need.
Second, are you having trouble understanding what information we need? We have added chat bots and checklists to our site to better assist you in navigating our website, along with helpful articles and conversations in our blog with folks having the same window issues as you. In the end, there is simply no way around the technical information we MUST have in order to produce a product. We highly recommend getting a professional installer involved to help if you are still having trouble.
Third, do you find yourself asking, “what’s next?” Our easy 4-step process shown right on our home page walks you through our whole process.
Fourth, are you unsure about what you are getting? We get so many questions about sash specification. YES! Sashes come with weatherstripping on them. The specifications of every sash product along with detailed explanations are prominently displayed on each product page. Please take some time to review this information carefully before contacting us with questions.
Finally, maybe we just don’t have it! With all the different parts of any given window, there are some pieces that we don’t sell.
- Our most common “not for sale” items:
- We don’t sell screens.
- We don’t sell wood grills.
- We don’t sell replacement glass.
- We don’t sell specific plastic parts… these would need to be obtained by the manufacturer.
- We do not carry any original OEM parts from the manufacturer.
- We don’t sell weatherstripping separately. Our new replacement window sashes come with our weather stripping installed.
- Also, please note that most of our components are not brand-specific. For example, cladding and weatherstripping are universal in nature.
If you need help with your quote or can’t find answers to your questions on our website, then you've come to the right place!
Answers to our most commonly asked questions can be found quickly on our FAQ page. If you can't find what you're looking for there, the quickest way to get your question answered is to use this form. Messages are checked regularly during business hours and responded to as quickly as possible.
"I personally want to thank you for your interest in my family’s products. Our top priority is ensuring you get exactly what you need to repair, restore, and upgrade your windows to keep your home looking like new."
~ Ryan, The Sash Guy